Friday, June 22, 2007

Yet again long time no blog

Happy Happy Happy. My baby boy is thriving, his little lungs are getting better by the day! Now that all is well with him I can breath again...

It is amazing the thing you think about in times where you are not sure if tomorrow will come. I kept thinking, what if I cant take him to his first day at school... or see him finish school...or what if I never go through the joys and sorrows of life by his side. But on the other side of you brain you think, his a fighter - I'll still have all those things with him - my child wont die before me it just can't happen I wont let it...

My baby was lucky he pulled through, he is a fighter. But out there, there are so many mothers and fathers who go through those same thoughts...and the outcome is so different! My hart bleeds for all parents out there who have lost a child or children. No parent should outlive there children. Know that though my baby boy pulled through I remember those thoughts and fears and will most likely remember them till the day I die!

This is my silent salute to all parents who have loved and lost!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My baby boy is home!!!

After ten days in hospital my baby boy is home!! He will need extra care for the next 3 month but at least we can do that for him from home. We can officially open a chemist, from the amount of meds in this house.

But be that as it may HIS HOME!!!!!!

This will be a short entry as I want to spend as much time as possible with my boy.

Friday, June 1, 2007

This has been the hardest week of my life...

Yet again it has been some time since i last bloged... But this has really been one of the hardest weeks of my life. When Triston was born things went very wrong, he was 6 weeks prem and as a result he had hart and lung complications. Now almost 18 months after the fact he is very ill because of his weak lungs.

On Monday we took him to the doctor because he had a horrible cough and high fever, the doctor said that he only had a throat infection and gave us some medicine for the cough and to break the fever. (all this happened at about 4 in the afternoon) His fever had not broken by 6 so I called the doctor again, he asked who Tristons paediatrician was and told me that he would phone the pead and that I should call him back in half an hour.

5 minutes later HE called ME and told me to take Triston to the hospital and that the pead is waiting there for us. The pead gave Triston a look over and told us it might be Bronchitis and that he would have to stay in hospital for at least 3 nights. They took samples and poked at him, and by Tuesday he was diagnosed with RS Virus. His doctor told me that most children get RS before the age of 2 1/2 but because Triston was a Prem baby with lung complications it is very severe and they had to put him on permanent oxygen. He is slowly but surely getting better but they cant get him weaned from the oxygen, the moment they take him off, his levels drop dramatically.

Triston is still in hospital and will most likely have to stay there for 10 to 13 days. Seeing my child lying there and wanting to go home brakes my hart, he knows that at night after he gets his meds we leave. So he clings to us with all his might but the tiredness wins in the end and then I have to leave my baby boy in the care of others... At least I could stay with him after he was born and while he was still in NI CU they had a bed for me and I could see him any time, day or night.

This has truly been the hardest and longest week of my life.