Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sheldean Human needs all our help!!!

Children should be seen and not hurt -->IDENTIKITS AND OTHER PHOTOS


After the recent dissapearance of Sheldean Human (aged 7) from her garden at Pretoria Gardens, the community has been very involved in praying, searching and supporting the family.As a community, it is devastating for us to have our kids go missing, and we all pray for their safe return. We support the police in their search, and wish to show our support to them, but also cry out against this horrible thing that is happening to our kids, accross the country.To demostrate our active involvement and concern, a decision was taken by members of eBlockWatch ( that all its member and fellow South Africans should wear Pink shirts and jeans on Wednesday 28 February 2007 (this is what Sheldean wore the day she went missing). The day was a big success, BUT much more support and publicity is required regarding this subject.THUS, we invite everybody to take part in the second Pink Day (requested by Public demand) on Friday, 9 March 2007. Wear a pink top and jeans, in support of and empathy with Sheldean Human and to show you oppose violence against children.Forward this request to all people you can reach via e-mail, cellphone and mouth-to-mouth.


Ek is seker dat jy reeds daarvan bewus is dat hierdie pragtige dogtertjie van 7 weggeraak het. Hierdie is 'n tendens wat toeneem, soveel so dat ons pragtige kinders nie meer veilig is nie. Hulle is tog ons toekoms - maar tref dit baie swaar in ons huidige situasie. Sheldean het al die vermiste kinders 'n "gesig" gegee. Sy verteenwoordig die nuwe geslag kinders, wat ons toekoms moet wees. KOM ONS BESKERM HULLE!Daar word tans wyd en syd deur Suid-Afrika gebid, ondersteun en gehoop vir die veilige terug vind van Sheldean. Dit geld ook vir al die ander vermiste kinders.Deur hierdie bewusmakingsveldtog kan ons moontlik baie meer mense daarbuite bewus maak dat ons ook die SAP, vrywilligers en ouers van vermiste kinders ondersteun.'n Groot klomp besorgde ouers en lede van eBlockWatch ( het besluit dat ons op Woensdag 28 Februarie 2007 in stille protes gaan optree deur pienk hemde en denims te dra (dieselfde kleertjies wat Sheldean aangehad het met die dag wat sy verdwyn het). Die dag was baie suksesvol, maar daar is nog baie meer ondersteuning en bewusmaking nodig rakende die saak.DUS het ons besluit om weer op Vrydag 9 Maart 2007 'n Pienk Dag te hou. Trek jou pienk hemp en denim aan om te wys jy staan op teen geweld teen kinders.Dra hierdie versoek oor aan elke moontlike persoon wat jy kan bereik deur jou e-pos, selfoon en mond tot mond.


We know of the following schools/businesses that are supporting this day. If you are aware of any more, please let us know:Ons weet van die volgende skole/besighede wat hierdie dag ondersteun. As jy weet van enige ander, laat weet ons asseblief:SkoleTuinrand Laerskool (Sheldean se skool)Tuine Laerskool, Laerskool Danie Malan in Pretoria Noord, Centurion Akademie, Bambino Creché – Graaff-Reinet, Bambino Kleuterskool - Orkney, Anzac PrimaryBesighedeMontego Feeds in Graaff-Reinet, Kromberg & Schubart in Brits, JT Software in Centurion, Roestoff, Venter & Kruse Prokureurs in Menlo Park, Wavestone Computers in Pretoria, Rock Building Supplies - Klerksdorp, Triangular Health en Full Circle Health, Bezuidenhout, Van Zyl Prokureurs in Randburg, SAPU Makelaars, Add-sure Makelaars, Dr Samantha Gregory Attorneys, Pretoria News, Tuks FM, Steve Hofmeyer, Take 1 Media in Brakpan, Cosamu Waardeerders, Jubilee Road Nursery school, Vodashop & Vodacom 4U - Brooklyn, Iqcala Retrieval Technologies - Centurion, Amandla Itokolosi - Centurion, Raslouw Selfstorage - Centurion, Cronjé & Kie Versekeringsmakelaars - Waterkloof, Memento Enterprises, Essential Designs – Graaff-Reinet, Leopeng Plumbing & Electrical CC, Bless Eiendomme, SALGA NW, Doves Begrafnisdienste Streekkantoor, Africon Engineering International - Pretoria, Seeff Eiendomme - Centurion, Thuthuka Forestry – Piet Retief, Corporate Financial Solutions, City of Tshwane Kantore - Centurion, The Office Plant – Jhb, AMT (Agricultural Marketing Trends), Pretoria, Scheme Reporting:Triangular Health, Chelsea Civils, Port Elizabeth, Nedbank Retail, Software Testing in Sandton, Solidariteit Helpende Hand Fonds en Solidariteit, Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa and Ford Credit, Spoornet, Pretoria, Private Wealth mangement, V&R Drukkery, Peters Papers, Antalis, Randridge Business Services, TVaal Printers, Advance Printing Company, CDGS

For more up-to-date information on Sheldean, go to

Pink for Sheldean Identikits Pictures of Sheldean Pink Photos Send 'pink e-mail' to a friend Trust Details Poems Links & Downloads E-mail CommentsPienk vir Sheldean Identikits Foto's van Sheldean Pienk foto's Stuur 'pienk e-pos' aan 'n vriend Trust Besonderhede Gedigte Skakels & Dokumente E-pos Terugvoer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel