Triston has decided that he can dress himself… yes; I can see those smiles forming already!
While on holiday with the two Miss Daisies, he grew into a little boy just as stubborn and hardheaded as his mother! If I want to dress him, he sits there like a little darling giving me this arm then that arm, this leg then that leg… he then promptly hops off the bed runs round the corner and undresses himself right down to his nappy!! And beware the unwatchful woman in the house he has figured out “the bra”!!
What the hell do I do now; staple the clothes together so that he can’t undress himself?!? No, this mommy is smart…or at least I like to think so. After the 4th outfit in one morning (I can’t dress him in the same outfit as the one he just removed or he refuses to do his “this arm that arm” bid) so I use what little brains I still have in my scull after knocking my head against the wall out of frustration, and I let him choose!!
Guess what, it worked!!! He kept that outfit on for the rest of the day, but then came day number 2 and the same freedom of choice no longer works… so what the hell, we’re on holiday, he can run naked if it pleases him!!

So let’s see a quick update on the last month…
Triston turned two, and refuses to respect the fact that he is supposed to be one and a half months lagging- no, not him; he goes straight into his terrible two’s
Triston learned about opening and closing- closets, jars, makeup, toothpaste, shampoo… you get my drift don’t you?!?
Triston learned about flushing the toilet- along with half a roll of toilet paper, his toy car, some blocks and any thing ells that will fit…
Triston learned about jumping – from tables, chairs, rocks anything and every thing! As long as it’s up there and the landing takes place somewhere down here, where there are sharp edges and hell knows what ells…#^&*$#
And then the last big one, Triston learned how to delegate! Ok mate, you look a bit lost… ek self, kom hier, sit hier, nog hê, soek juice/melk/tee/kossies…als! waar is…? IT JUST DOESN’T STOP! But at least the Why? Why? Why? Why?… hasn’t started … yet?!?
And you know what’s the best part – EVERYTHING!! Just like every other stage he has gone through this is now my favorite! And I cherish every nerve-wrecking, hair-pulling, roll-on-the-floor-laughing second of it!!
While on holiday with the two Miss Daisies, he grew into a little boy just as stubborn and hardheaded as his mother! If I want to dress him, he sits there like a little darling giving me this arm then that arm, this leg then that leg… he then promptly hops off the bed runs round the corner and undresses himself right down to his nappy!! And beware the unwatchful woman in the house he has figured out “the bra”!!
What the hell do I do now; staple the clothes together so that he can’t undress himself?!? No, this mommy is smart…or at least I like to think so. After the 4th outfit in one morning (I can’t dress him in the same outfit as the one he just removed or he refuses to do his “this arm that arm” bid) so I use what little brains I still have in my scull after knocking my head against the wall out of frustration, and I let him choose!!
Guess what, it worked!!! He kept that outfit on for the rest of the day, but then came day number 2 and the same freedom of choice no longer works… so what the hell, we’re on holiday, he can run naked if it pleases him!!

So let’s see a quick update on the last month…
Triston turned two, and refuses to respect the fact that he is supposed to be one and a half months lagging- no, not him; he goes straight into his terrible two’s
Triston learned about opening and closing- closets, jars, makeup, toothpaste, shampoo… you get my drift don’t you?!?
Triston learned about flushing the toilet- along with half a roll of toilet paper, his toy car, some blocks and any thing ells that will fit…
Triston learned about jumping – from tables, chairs, rocks anything and every thing! As long as it’s up there and the landing takes place somewhere down here, where there are sharp edges and hell knows what ells…#^&*$#
And then the last big one, Triston learned how to delegate! Ok mate, you look a bit lost… ek self, kom hier, sit hier, nog hê, soek juice/melk/tee/kossies…als! waar is…? IT JUST DOESN’T STOP! But at least the Why? Why? Why? Why?… hasn’t started … yet?!?
And you know what’s the best part – EVERYTHING!! Just like every other stage he has gone through this is now my favorite! And I cherish every nerve-wrecking, hair-pulling, roll-on-the-floor-laughing second of it!!
Ja kids groei vinnig. Geniet die trippie saam met jou seun. Dis wonderlik om saam met hulle te leer en jouself weer te verwonder aan die lewe.
Jip dit is!
Dankie vir die draai daar by my, sal defnitief jou blog opvang en dankie vir jou woorde, partykeer dink mens dis net jou familie wat deur die hel is, maar meantime is daar nog baie ander.
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