Saturday, March 31, 2007

What a month!

It's amazing how having a child ups your social status. I don't know what causes it, but since Tristons birth we suddenly have a lot of "things" to do!

We have not spent a single Saturday at home this month... the first weekend Triston had to attend a birthday party, the second we had to attend a kitchen tea, the third was a wedding and then finally this weekend we had to attend another birthday party! I'm worn out and need my sleep!!!

On top of all this activity Triston decides that now is a good time to get his molars!! So we have to be in a hundred different places with a cranky and very irritated toddler...

Sounds like a lot of fun right. I think we might have gone through a kg of biltong (beef jerky) in the last week... I refuse to use teething gels, so we just give him something hard like biltong or something cold like a ice lolly, to help him chew through the pain and if it gets really bad we give him some infant paracetamol.

If you have any other teething advice (well if anybody reads this) your advice will be Very Very welcome. 3 of the little buggers are trying to come out at the same time!!!!
This pick was yet again taken on his birthday (ignore the date I didn't know how to set it right) he cut 4 teeth in 2 weeks and nearly lived on ice lollies.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Who was Jesus?

Someone sent this e-mail to my mother, I thought it was hilarious! Take it with a light hart people and please no negative messages- IT'S A JOKE!

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:
1. He called everyone brother.
2. He liked gospel.
3. He couldn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into his father's business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:
1. He talked with his hands.
2. He had wine with his meals.
3. He used olive oil.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:
1. He never cut his hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian:
1. He was at peace with nature.
2. He ate a lot of fish.
3. He talked about the Great Spirit.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments the Jesus was Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a WOMAN:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
3. And even when he was dead, he had to get up because there was work to do.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Sick as dogs?

I never could figure out the saying "sick as a dog"... but I think I get it now!

Triston and I both have a cold and thus both our noses are wet as a dogs. I guess I had to prepared myself for the illnesses as Triston is now attending PS, but I sort off forgot! I always read in magazines that children get up to 15 colds and flu's a year and counted myself lucky that in his long life of 15 months his only had the flu once, a cold once and the rota virus twice.

Well he also had chickenpox but for that one I was thank full, the older they get the worst it affects them. He had a grand total of 20 spots. The only bad part is that he got it right on his birthday and being a considered woman, I called all family and friends to worn them, soooo nearly no one came and those that came didn't bring there kids along, and I was stuck with the sick toddler on a sugar high!!

But that's enough complaining... well maybe not yet,
Getting my med's and going right to bed now....
This was taken on his birthday party. You wouldn't know he was sick! The way he stuffed the sweets in, poor baby!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cars, what would we do with out them?

About 6 months ago we bought a car, from a friend of the family! As you might guess this was a big mistake... 2 days after we got the #$%^& car the battery went, then the radiator, then the timing chain, then the alternator, the wipers stop working, the hooter didn't hoot and the window winder broke.

And every time something big brakes, my poor husband was driving to work on the highway, in the middle of one of the hottest summers I can remember, he had to sit on the side of the road no cafe in sight and wait for 2-4 hours. He was recently promoted too manager of his own branch... what a great time to get stuck on the highway!

Sooooo, for the last 6 months we have been fixing things on that car on a monthly basses and while every thing broke, they still try to steel it 3 times, the third time they did it in broad daylight in front of our flats, aaaand broke the ignition!

Service it to say, we hold no affection for the piece of scrap!!! But there is a light at the end of the tunnel we got ourselves a new car (well not NEW but BETTER). We have to go in tomorrow to sign the final papers and then we can drive off into the sunset... lets hope.

If this car brakes down on the highway, I have given my husband permission to through a match into the petrol tank!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

And we made it!

The first day at PS is over and done for. Triston had a ball and I nearly started chewing my nails!

If you have kids in PS you know that first day feeling... you prepare for the worst, the kicking, the screaming, the tears rolling down your face. But then along comes Triston, calm and collected as always, his new teacher, that his only met once for 5 min, opens her arm and he willingly flings himself from my arms in to her waiting embrace.

No "ta-ta mama"! nothing! he was more than willing to stay with her, I was no longer the center of his universe! Shit, even his daddy got a goodbye wave...

When time came to pick him up this afternoon I was, again, ready for the worst... that he didn't want to go home... but my little angel child saw his mommy and daddy and his little face lit up he gave us each a hug and sloppy kiss.

And thus all is right with the world again!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yes, yes, yes the school search is over!

We've been struggling to find a Pre School for Triston!

We always planed to put him in PS but only at 18 months that leaves us with another 3 months... but... our nanny received a very handsome job offer that pays more and has a lot more perks, I cant keep her back for 3 months when the people need her now, and Triston is showing all signs of readiness.

And so the hunt began, the PS where we had him on a waiting list was not willing to take him sooner ?!? We had to go and look at the other options in our area.

Oh the horror!! We saw a PS with toddler classes mixed with 6 month old babies. The classes where so full that at nap time some of the children have to sleep in the hallway. How can any one woman take care of 30 children ranging from 6 months too 24. Impossible!

I used to be a PS teacher and worked at one of these horror schools for about a year, my class comprised of children between 4 to 6 years and I had 52 children in my class the day I stoped working there. I really loved the kids, but couldn't stand looking at the abuse any more! (I did report them to no avail). The day I decided to leave was the day that one of the other teachers (15 years experience) locked an 18 month old toddler in a cubit because he was to scared to go too sleep on his first full day!!! I notified the parents but they never took him out, saying that it was the only PS they could afford. The police just shrugged and said that unless the parents lay a charge they can't do any thing!

Then we looked at day mothers, I went to look at 2, one seemed fine until I found out, from a friend, that she gives children paracetamol to keep them quite and feeds them dry bread if they don't eat the food she offers (scrambled eggs and sausage). the second day mother I just walked in. No security what so ever. I had a look around and saw a pool, not cove rd or fenced in, the play area was cramped and all jungle gyms where placed on cement! This observation took about 1 min and then I was out of there as fast as possible...

I started to getting depresed, we need to find a place for him in 2 weeks. Then I remembered a PS where a friend's child went. I knew it was a good school as the child was happy and showed no signs of abuse. I gave them a call and... Yes she had place for just one more toddler!!!

Triston starts Monday!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A cutting tale

I decided on Sunday that Triston really needed a hair cut... how do you keep a 15 month old to sit still!!!

So my husband and I devised a plan, put food in front of him and wile he is distracted...

Yeah right, like any well made plan involving a toddler, this did NOT happen! So we waited while he decorated the floor with noodles and then grab bundles of hair and HACKED it off.

Lucky for us Triston has very curly hair at the back of his head so no one can see the mess we made of it! (unless his hair is wet, SHIT we have a pool party to go to on Saturday!!!!!!!!)

But I must admit it looks kind of cute, he doesn't look babyish any more, he looks like a naughty little boy now. I don't have a pic now but will post one as soon as possible.

This pic was taken on his birthday.

You can see the hair on top of his head is straight but the hair at the back curls.

Friday, March 9, 2007



Another girl is missing! Rudolph Geldenhuys's daughter, Veronica, went missing on Monday the 7 of march 2007. He dropped her off at Tuine Tec high school (this is in the same suburb where Sheldean went missing!!!) and she hasn't been seen since. Somebody reportedly saw the 16 year old girl in the Danville, Pretoria.

Please people keep a lookout for her, let us not have another grieving family in our mitts!

If you have any info please contact:
RUDOLPH GELDENHUYS - 0728110999 or his wife 0823517794.
Thank you

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Sleepy baby boy

I know that children need to sleep, but ooooooh what to do when they don't know it!

Triston like a good boy slept till 7 this morning, he had a hardy breakfast and played around a bit. His morning nap usually happens at 9 but when I was done working at 11 he still hadn't slept. My mother and I went to visit my aunt in the hope that he'll nod off on the way there... no luck! We staid until 3 in the afternoon and decided to give the car trip another go! when we reached the corner he was gone!!! It past 5 and his still out... a really doubt that he will wake up before tomorrow morning, and with my luck this will happen at 2 in the morning!

This is Triston knocked out!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My little cricket star!

Omelets aren’t they great the only way I can get any sort of veg into Triston is in the disguise of an omelet! he wil eet any sort of meat, chicken, steak and even fish. But the veggies!

The problem is that I read somewhere that toddler’s aren’t allowed to eat eggs more than 4 times a week and then only one at a time. It takes two to make an omelet.

If you happen to stumble upon this blog... totally by accident I’m sure, and know any thing about the egg thing, any and all advice will be welkome.

It’s amazing how they find that iron will so quickly, not even a month ago he would have eaten almost anything I put in front of him, and what he didn't like he would just refuse. Now, if he doesn't like the gourmet meal I prepared for him, he tosses it halfway across the room!

The first time you think "Aaah cute" and have a good giggle with your husband, the second time you tolerate it... but the third time.... "No, triston no!!!"... And now they think mommy thinks it’s cute, “Let’s do it with this too.”

Oooo what joy, I’ve created a monster, or the next cricket star bowler. Who knows?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sheldean Human has been found...

The little girl Sheldean Human was found last night... dead. Her little body was found behind the Tshwane Fresh Produce Market, where I work. The man that took little Sheldean from the loving arms of her parents led the police to her body.

To all the people who loved this little girl my hart go out to you, it is my hope that the arms of Love will protect and comfort you in your time of need.

We, as South Africans and all the other people of this world need to stand together; we need to protect our children from people like this man. An example should be set and the message must be put out there that we will not tolerate someone that puts the lives of our children, and our future, in danger.

Sheldean put a name and face to all the children that go missing in the world, this is not a SA problem; it's the problem of the global village. Let us stand together to protect our children!

Sheldean, may you find your place in haven and the angels keep you save!

Monday, March 5, 2007

It's bed time

Aren't kids great!

You let them run all over the place and all over you, you start to feel so frustrated because they want an "uppie" while you try to make them dinner.

And then when you relent and pick them up. They give you a sloppy wet kiss and a big smile... melt!

My hart turns to butter when ever he gives me one of those ( almost all there) pearly white smiles.

Children are the joy that makes the world go round!

My son is the most precious gift we ever received and nearly loosing him at birth just made him so much more special to us. Every morning when he wakes us, even if it's 3 o'clock, we think...yes, that's our son!... he is one of those miracle children that rarely wakes up crying.

In fact if I think about it except for being very sick at birth he has only really been sick twice, both times with the Rota virus. Other than that, the sniffles, snot and teething have went by quite smoothly. (knock on wood) So we really do feel blessed, our son is a healthy, active, active, active, active 15 month old.

While we were in the NICU after Tristons birth I truly became aware of the bond you feel with your child, people told me that having a c-section made bonding with your baby difficult and then having your child put in NICU made it worst. I completely disagree, the time I spent next to him made me realize how helpless he was and that it was up to me and his father to take him out into the world and help him to make something of this short time we've been given on earth. That made me feel so close to him, there is nothing we wouldn't do for our son.

Now that I've rambled on and on and on... it's time for bed...

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sheldean Human needs all our help!!!

Children should be seen and not hurt -->IDENTIKITS AND OTHER PHOTOS


After the recent dissapearance of Sheldean Human (aged 7) from her garden at Pretoria Gardens, the community has been very involved in praying, searching and supporting the family.As a community, it is devastating for us to have our kids go missing, and we all pray for their safe return. We support the police in their search, and wish to show our support to them, but also cry out against this horrible thing that is happening to our kids, accross the country.To demostrate our active involvement and concern, a decision was taken by members of eBlockWatch ( that all its member and fellow South Africans should wear Pink shirts and jeans on Wednesday 28 February 2007 (this is what Sheldean wore the day she went missing). The day was a big success, BUT much more support and publicity is required regarding this subject.THUS, we invite everybody to take part in the second Pink Day (requested by Public demand) on Friday, 9 March 2007. Wear a pink top and jeans, in support of and empathy with Sheldean Human and to show you oppose violence against children.Forward this request to all people you can reach via e-mail, cellphone and mouth-to-mouth.


Ek is seker dat jy reeds daarvan bewus is dat hierdie pragtige dogtertjie van 7 weggeraak het. Hierdie is 'n tendens wat toeneem, soveel so dat ons pragtige kinders nie meer veilig is nie. Hulle is tog ons toekoms - maar tref dit baie swaar in ons huidige situasie. Sheldean het al die vermiste kinders 'n "gesig" gegee. Sy verteenwoordig die nuwe geslag kinders, wat ons toekoms moet wees. KOM ONS BESKERM HULLE!Daar word tans wyd en syd deur Suid-Afrika gebid, ondersteun en gehoop vir die veilige terug vind van Sheldean. Dit geld ook vir al die ander vermiste kinders.Deur hierdie bewusmakingsveldtog kan ons moontlik baie meer mense daarbuite bewus maak dat ons ook die SAP, vrywilligers en ouers van vermiste kinders ondersteun.'n Groot klomp besorgde ouers en lede van eBlockWatch ( het besluit dat ons op Woensdag 28 Februarie 2007 in stille protes gaan optree deur pienk hemde en denims te dra (dieselfde kleertjies wat Sheldean aangehad het met die dag wat sy verdwyn het). Die dag was baie suksesvol, maar daar is nog baie meer ondersteuning en bewusmaking nodig rakende die saak.DUS het ons besluit om weer op Vrydag 9 Maart 2007 'n Pienk Dag te hou. Trek jou pienk hemp en denim aan om te wys jy staan op teen geweld teen kinders.Dra hierdie versoek oor aan elke moontlike persoon wat jy kan bereik deur jou e-pos, selfoon en mond tot mond.


We know of the following schools/businesses that are supporting this day. If you are aware of any more, please let us know:Ons weet van die volgende skole/besighede wat hierdie dag ondersteun. As jy weet van enige ander, laat weet ons asseblief:SkoleTuinrand Laerskool (Sheldean se skool)Tuine Laerskool, Laerskool Danie Malan in Pretoria Noord, Centurion Akademie, Bambino Creché – Graaff-Reinet, Bambino Kleuterskool - Orkney, Anzac PrimaryBesighedeMontego Feeds in Graaff-Reinet, Kromberg & Schubart in Brits, JT Software in Centurion, Roestoff, Venter & Kruse Prokureurs in Menlo Park, Wavestone Computers in Pretoria, Rock Building Supplies - Klerksdorp, Triangular Health en Full Circle Health, Bezuidenhout, Van Zyl Prokureurs in Randburg, SAPU Makelaars, Add-sure Makelaars, Dr Samantha Gregory Attorneys, Pretoria News, Tuks FM, Steve Hofmeyer, Take 1 Media in Brakpan, Cosamu Waardeerders, Jubilee Road Nursery school, Vodashop & Vodacom 4U - Brooklyn, Iqcala Retrieval Technologies - Centurion, Amandla Itokolosi - Centurion, Raslouw Selfstorage - Centurion, Cronjé & Kie Versekeringsmakelaars - Waterkloof, Memento Enterprises, Essential Designs – Graaff-Reinet, Leopeng Plumbing & Electrical CC, Bless Eiendomme, SALGA NW, Doves Begrafnisdienste Streekkantoor, Africon Engineering International - Pretoria, Seeff Eiendomme - Centurion, Thuthuka Forestry – Piet Retief, Corporate Financial Solutions, City of Tshwane Kantore - Centurion, The Office Plant – Jhb, AMT (Agricultural Marketing Trends), Pretoria, Scheme Reporting:Triangular Health, Chelsea Civils, Port Elizabeth, Nedbank Retail, Software Testing in Sandton, Solidariteit Helpende Hand Fonds en Solidariteit, Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa and Ford Credit, Spoornet, Pretoria, Private Wealth mangement, V&R Drukkery, Peters Papers, Antalis, Randridge Business Services, TVaal Printers, Advance Printing Company, CDGS

For more up-to-date information on Sheldean, go to

Pink for Sheldean Identikits Pictures of Sheldean Pink Photos Send 'pink e-mail' to a friend Trust Details Poems Links & Downloads E-mail CommentsPienk vir Sheldean Identikits Foto's van Sheldean Pienk foto's Stuur 'pienk e-pos' aan 'n vriend Trust Besonderhede Gedigte Skakels & Dokumente E-pos Terugvoer

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Blah Blah Blah...

My son has a very soft gravely voice, and the weirdest cry you've ever heard. (I'm so tired of people asking me if he is crying or laughing) they told me at hospital that the pipes they inserted into his throat at birth, to help him breath, damaged his voice box and that he will always have the gravely voice.

Regardless of all the stumbling blocks he has always had an very active mouth. He loves giving speeches that only he can understand, and it doesn't have to be to a person, even the fridge will be a good listener in his book!

When I walked into the kitchen the other day I found him kneeling in front of the fridge is little finger pointed at it and him giving a 5min long speech that no body could understand...

A few years ago there was a movie "Baby Geniuses", where the babies could talk to each other on a very intellectual level. Looking at my son giving a speech to the fridge made me wonder... do they really understand what they are saying. He was so intense like he was trying to explain something to It.

Just a thought I wanted to jot down...

What's wrong with the world....

My husband told me that he received an email today about the epidemic of child rapes in SA. There is a rumour doing it's rounds- that if you rape a child (virgin and young is the best) it will cure you of aids.

Now we have children (or rather babies)of as young as 3 months being Gang Raped by as many as 14 men! This is sick!!! How can any one think this way or do some thing like that to a baby! This girl(thank god) died, the trauma to her little body was too much, but another girl of 6 years is still alive after being Gang Raped... what a life for her to live... all of those men had aids!

Now what really pissed me off was that the SA government (also a rumour) is talking about shutting down the child protection unit!!!...?WHAT?

We have children being raped and going missing left right and center, and SA wants to shut down child protection!

I've now said all I'm willing to say about this subject... and promise that I won't all ways be so morbid, just had to get it off my chest!

It scares me to think that I have to rase my son in a world filled with sickose like this.

Found it, lost it and found it again

I , for some reason, couldn't remember the user name for this blog so created a new one. That blog has now disappeared off the face of the earth?!? I'm no fundie when it comes to these things, but as I'm now able to get into this blog I'll rather use this one. At least I know it has not disappeared! yet?

I'm not a real people person and for this reason I distrust people... but I must say that with this problem of not being able to find my Damn blog I received great help and advice from another blogger who took his time to see if he could help. I urge all future and currently non-existing readers of my blog to go check out The Tick Tock Project. Its a interesting read and I can't wait to see where it goes...

Well lets see if I can keep this one alive...