Monday, March 26, 2007

Sick as dogs?

I never could figure out the saying "sick as a dog"... but I think I get it now!

Triston and I both have a cold and thus both our noses are wet as a dogs. I guess I had to prepared myself for the illnesses as Triston is now attending PS, but I sort off forgot! I always read in magazines that children get up to 15 colds and flu's a year and counted myself lucky that in his long life of 15 months his only had the flu once, a cold once and the rota virus twice.

Well he also had chickenpox but for that one I was thank full, the older they get the worst it affects them. He had a grand total of 20 spots. The only bad part is that he got it right on his birthday and being a considered woman, I called all family and friends to worn them, soooo nearly no one came and those that came didn't bring there kids along, and I was stuck with the sick toddler on a sugar high!!

But that's enough complaining... well maybe not yet,
Getting my med's and going right to bed now....
This was taken on his birthday party. You wouldn't know he was sick! The way he stuffed the sweets in, poor baby!

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